I am Chunsheng Zhang

Birthplace: Xuzhou Jiangsu. I'm an architect, a full-stack engineer, Java & PHP senior software engineer, The author of PHP-Wechaty. I have a habit of writing code. Developed GoLang, Python, Lua, Nodejs, Objective-C, etc. I like to study and research on new technology: Cloud Native App, K8S, TensorFlow, AI, metaverse, bigdata, Self-Driving Car, Grpc, Protobuf, Spring Cloud, Swoole, Html5, GoLang, WebGL, Nodejs, Nosql, Redis, Hbase, Thrift. I think technology should be combined with art. Wherever my dream is, I am wherever I am, because only struggle can change fate.


Please love the environment, saving paper

technology to change the future


Building Enterprise Applications with Java, Use PHP to build website is a good choice; AI you have to learn it now, anaconda and jupyter are good tools; Node.js extends JavaScript application scenarios; Java let me understand the Object-Oriented


I like Chrome, V8, javascript. electron is a nice project, Mobile Internet has changed people's lives, the metaverse is worth looking forward to


The world is full of data, search data, add, update, delete, analysis, backup, restore and data safe issues that need to be considered, big data age need nosql and distributed storage, fastcfs is a good choice


The use of queues and caches can greatly improve the amount of concurrency. The architecture based on message subscription / consumption can allow data processing to be carried out in an orderly manner, and time can be used for space.


Reasonable use of frameworks and protocols is conducive to faster project development, iteration, upgrade, and maintenance, and building interface services that conform to industry standards

Design Patterns/Singleton/Factory/Adapter/Composite/MVC/UML

Use design patterns and modeling tools to facilitate project development and maintenance, provide clear architecture and documentation

phabricator review/phpunit/XhProf/tsar/ab/JMeter/ELK/Fluentd/filebeat/Kibana/prometheus/Grafana/APM/gdb/curl/netstat/top/tcpdump/tail/cat/zcat/grep/awk

Code review is helpful for mutual learning, mutual supervision, and problem discovery in advance. Unit testing can be found in advance through white box testing. Potential bugs and system bottlenecks can be found through business and system log collection


Operation and maintenance is the support of project operation, and the deployment and tuning of related software is essential

Team management/Project management/OKR/redmine/wekan/jira/gitlab/phabricator

Performance appraisal, team management, and project management are also a guarantee to make excellent products. Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, believes that "effective managers should pay attention to the strengths of people, and not mind their shortcomings."

Microservice/register/config/Circuit Breaker/Hystrix/Cloud Native/Kubernetes/Mesos

Service stability and scalability are essential for Internet services. Microservices and cloud-native architecture can solve server downtime and other issues well


Big data analysis is the basis for user growth, company operations, and other decisions. It provides personalized recommendations through user behavior analysis and provides visual data to create value for users.


Through deep learning, computers can recognize pictures, speech, semantics, and synthetic languages, which will be widely used in smart cities, autonomous driving, customer service, medicine, education, and industry.

Apple/Google/Google Lens/Google Glass/Google Car/Tesla/SpaceX/集度/大疆/小米/小鹏

I like Apple and Google's products, they are very cool


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